Somehow or rather, I dread this topic. For once, it is something I am reluctant to talk about because I could not believe that my journey in CFAB is half-way through. In a way, I have this fear that every step I take in CFAB, it means closer to ICAEW and thus the title ACA which also means that I really could not and must not turn back and start at another road. I still remember when I was in Form 4 and Form 5, I stood firmly and said I hate, really HATE accounts and said I will definitely not take Accounts at all. How ironic the situation must be right now.XD.
Ok, to quote and unquote Arthur: Moving on......
For the past 9 months or so, CFAB has been my life and my 9 good friends in CFAB (in alphabetical order) :Adam, Amelia, Arthur, Cheok, Lee Ning, Shu Tin, Tze Lin, Wei Ken and Wesley are nothing short of wonderful. They made life more bearable with CFAB and definitely FUN! CFAB for me stands for Cracking Fun After Books. XD, there is no flow at this phrase but still, something I am proud of.
And for the main subjects I have, the lecturers definitely ROCKS!!!!
In the first semester, I had Accounting and Management Information
Accounting was by Ms. Ruzlena whereas Management Information was by Ms. Geetha.
In the first 3 months of second semester, I had a little of Business Finance and finished Assurance.
Business and Finance was by Ms. Ezrina whereas Assurance was by Mr. Ong.
XD, I better stop here, lest I have nothing to write after getting Assurance marks.