Saturday, May 29, 2010
One more photo, which was taken on 27.05.2010, is not placed here. Blaming procrastination. XD
Anyway, for the week, there is nothing memorable, EXCEPT,
So, I will have to say, besides AniManGaki 2010, this is the other event that I had been looking forward to and oh my, it was such a busy day man!
First, we (as in the organising committee) had to reach ICAEW Malaysia office/Chulan Tower at 9.00am or so in the morning. Then, we were separated into two groups, one group headed by Adam to eat at Pelita near KLCC (these few guys went missing for about an hour or two, or more.XD) and the other group, headed by no one at all, stayed back on to help make preparations for the deco team. But sooner or later, the team that stayed back became hungry and ordered Domino's.. XD, I still don't know how to spell the name though. XD
Well, I did my share fair of 'curi tulang' also la actually. I went to Pavillion with Tze Lin and Shu Tin to get some stuff, I forgotten what though. XD. Anyway, made me remembered that if anyone says Pavillion is near KLCC and vice versa, I am gonna either physically assault that fellow or mentally snicker, knowing full well that I am not going to trust that. Either way, the three of us went back to Chulan Tower after we finished getting the stuff.
Subsequently, we finished most of the things and time passed by so fast, it was 3.00pm before we knew it and then everyone had to start rushing to prepare for the dinner. Some (both guys and girls I mean) looked really pretty, handsome, sexy, hot and so on! Basically it was such an eye-candy. Had such a great time looking at places I am not suppose. XD
Oh, a funny thing that happened in the hotel room! There were two rooms that were booked, one for the girls (464) and one for the guys(469), to prepare themselves for the dinner and I, with a few other girls went to room 469, while arthur was bathing. I think we scared the hell outta him when we entered and started talking. XD, it was damn funny to hear him panicking. Should have made him even more *insert your own word here*.
Finally, the event started and everything was either right on time or we were early. Seriously had no more words to say.
Last thing,
A super big round of applause to everyone present, to everyone who helped out and to
Saturday, May 22, 2010
XD, today had first IC test and I think I screwed it up although I am quite sure I finished the first. Well, I think I sort of became complacent and just couldn't really be bothered with aiming high. At least I am true to myself, I didn't depend on lecturer's tips to answer the questions.
Which brings me to my next point, I was actually sort of bothered by the fact that things like this happens. Oh well, as the saying that I learnt from SUAC members, SHIT HAPPENS. XD
Take a step back, and the world shall appear to be at ease.
By the way, also went to look for clothes. For the dinner and internship, which is coming up. Soon.
Guess that's my day after all.
PS. Also had another delayed reaction. I tried doing "The Dip" (a form of push-up I guess) this morning and I only start to feel the lactic acid building up at night. This is even worse!
Which brings me to my next point, I was actually sort of bothered by the fact that things like this happens. Oh well, as the saying that I learnt from SUAC members, SHIT HAPPENS. XD
Take a step back, and the world shall appear to be at ease.
By the way, also went to look for clothes. For the dinner and internship, which is coming up. Soon.
Guess that's my day after all.
PS. Also had another delayed reaction. I tried doing "The Dip" (a form of push-up I guess) this morning and I only start to feel the lactic acid building up at night. This is even worse!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Confu Sion
And oh my god, today my brain also about to explode la! I mean, today BF class like express train man! All those "Bapuk Sial" XD did things in a Speedy Gonzales manner la....
Brain explosion also attributed to me trying to study today la.
That was all before the Psychology Experiment that I did today though. Super thanks to Shu Tin, Wei Ken and Adam for helping out in the experiment. Really appreciate it and I will try to get the marks from them!
XD, confirm I fail ady lor if this is a real exam. XD
And I am damn glad I thought the photo before it rained. Heavily.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Nice photo right?
Well, actually today did a presentation for Interpersonal Communication (IC) and the best part is, a lecturer asked if I am sure I want to be in the accounting field. He is the 3rd lecturer to tell me that ady!
First was Mr. Ong, I think. Then, recently Ms. Pushpa also mentioned it and now IC lecturer, Mr. Oliver also said it.
XD, guess I really don't have the usual accountant/auditor look. I have the look of a clown and the aura of joy.XD, ops, that sounded a bit too much, even coming from me.
But I decided, I am gonna take a gap year after I finish my bond with BDO la. I need to really search what I like. XD
Sunday, May 16, 2010
PT2 and anime world
Yeah, basically had PT2 for BF=76 and Law=68 and I shall be truthful, I was neither proud nor happy at all. Rather, what I felt was embarassment. I felt as if I did not deserve the marks.
But I still manage to spend my time watching anime over the weekends and for the week, they are Hanamaru Youchien (completed) and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (on-going). And great, I just pissed off a person I respected on Sunday night/Monday night. I think anyway.
Friday, May 14, 2010
But I will mention that I was seriously frustrated by certain 'adults'. Why do they want us to rush things? I mean, it is near instanteneous. I guess I should have really assert myself at the beginning and said that, KEEP IT SMALL!
Anyway, that was before I was calmed down by new knowledge. Yup, I learnt about Goldman Sachs, a bit and what is sub-prime loan. XD, nothing makes me happier than new knowledge, no matter which field is it. Sometimes, it doesn't even need to be a field of study. It could even be something.
XD, and IC classes are getting funnier, in a way.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I have a feeling that I changed. Its disheartening in a way. I was perfectly fine with my previous self. Is my change caused by an internal or external factor? Or was it both?
I can't believe I raised my voice and argued today. For something so insignificant. I feel bad but I still don't think it is entirely my fault. Still, one party must take the first move to apologise though.
I want someone to keep my sanity in check but I think the only person who is capable of doing that, might not know that it helps and what's the point?
Oh my god, I am so confused and frustrated that I don't know how to handle things anymore. Maybe writing it down here and post-mortem it might help:
1) Am I suppose to be mind-readers when we don't know anything?
2) Was there a need to shout/ yell/ scream?
3) How do I maintain my composure and not reach instead?
I really would like to write every memory I had but I seem to forget them the moment it passed.
XD, guess these are the things that is best forgotten?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Great, I forgotten what happened on Thursday (6.5.2010) but I gladly remembered what happened on Saturday (8.5.2010) which is met up with Yee Jean and Lydia then watched Ip Man 2 at Galaxy Ampang. XD, that movie is damn nice. Somehow or rather, I enjoyed it quite a lot! Later, Yee Jean had to leave liao, so left only Lydia and I go yum cha.. XD, super fun wei, to talk about anything under the sky. Then later come to my house and played some simples duets followed by playing with Drolma. The end.
Do you not notice a dragon in the sky and the zen-like mood? I felt like I was near a temple even!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
First IC class
ARGH!!! Just have to try my best la I guess.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Today damn many clouds that look so fluffy!!! But then, it sort of look fake after a long time. Man, I really want to do sky-gazing in college la if there is an appropriate place.
I think today I was being quite balance, no emo or too hyper.. XD. There is one thing that make me have mixed feelings though, which is the Interpersonal Communication class. On one hand, I should be glad that none of the classes clash with Anime club meeting but on the other hand, means more work!!. T.T, I don't like it at all la!!!..
Yet, there is new stuff to be learnt.. My, my, the eager student in me is coming out.. XD
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A MIdsummer Night's Dream
Wait, back to the main point, I actually went by myself to watch A Midsummer Night's Dream at KLPAC. Oh my god, I achieved orgasm/ejaculation point I think. The storyline by itself, created by William Shakespeare centuries ago, really make sense and can touch the audience, the director's vision and characters' interpretation is really impressive as well. The background songs/OST is damn cool!
I am really glad I took the initiative to request for an inivitation. Although I have to miss steamboat at a friend's house, no regrets came pouring through me like how I usually felt. This is the effect the play had on me.
Before I continue ranting, first of all, hats off to everyone involved in the production, the stage people, co-ordinators of everything, director and last but not least, William Shakespeare.
I think the part that make me the most amazed is tha fact that the play was done in Shakespeare english. For that alone, I applaud.
Another thing is that, the entire cast broke the 'fourth wall' in this interpretation/adaptation which I rarely gets to see.
By the way, it is really funny how the actors/actresses match their movements with the songs provided.
I was also immensely entertain by the little random stuff that the play include, like Titania singing. Crossdressing were also featured in the play, and oh my, I think that is the best part!
XD, and I think the director's aim has been achieved because I too do wonder was it a dream that I witness such a magnificient play or did it really happened? Of course, this sort of one-off thing is best left in the heart. ><, my review or experience didn't do any justice at all. T.T
I do not wish to go against Gracian Baltasar but in this case, I think I rather not forget it. It hits the heart too deeply.
Basically, I thought there is Malaysian Studies class but bloody hell, I wasted my time in college. Well, if you considering getting a book from library entitled 'Theatre and You' is a good use of time, then yes it is. And when you TRIED to do some studying. Time well spent indeed.
But I guess the best part for me is that I get to see really, really cool skies which actually touched my sould. I took a lot of pictures but I narrowed it down. One for this and the other one, for the post on top, which is the review of A Midsummer Night's Dream, a joint production of KLPAC and Australian High Commission.
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