Monday, September 27, 2010

Hayaku!! Bartender-san!!

Nah, was just being playful. XD

Roughly translated, what the title meant was, Hurry up, Mr. Bartender!! Yeah, I am in need of a bartender. I don't need Mr. Bartender to mix drinks for me nor work under me (just in case in the future, I want to open a bar or something) but rather, taking up the role of a psychologist. Minus the pricey consulatation fees.

I used to think that bartenders only know how to mix cocktails and polish drinking glasses with cloth. Then, an anime entitled Bartender (adapted from a manga of the same title) gave me a totally difference perception about a bartender. Bartenders actually "ease the worries and soothe the souls of troubled customers". How cool is that!!! And bars are actually suppose to be well-hidden so that you can find your own 'quiet zone'.

Anyway, within my age group, there ain't anyone wise enough to be Mr. Bartender. So, I guess I will be my own bartender. For the time being.

And maybe that is why I keep on making my own Milo almost daily. XD

You know, I am very sure I hate to wallow in the mud of depression and hopelessness for a long time. Of course, reading back my previous entries, I noticed that those with strong negative feelings sort of contradicts my statement but hey, I really feel much better after writing it out. As in, it won't bother me that much anymore.

And ta-da, as you see now, I am happy again!!! XD

But for better measure, I still want a Mr. Bartender!!! XD, not to sound like a brat but, watch the anime and see what I mean. I can bet you will either want to be a Bartender yourself or get a Bartender.
Dear Jowena Kok Sze Min, based on your test result: You've made your way well in this world despite all the obstacles you've had to faced. You have survived a lot more troubles than most people. You have had to deal with difficult people, ridiculous rules, and tempestuous relationships.
Love for you can be as intense as the fire on the face of the sun. You are either very calm on the inside when there is a lot of insanity going on around you, or you shut people up and take charge. You can go to a movie by yourself. You are as comfortable alone as you are with others. You are angry at your parents but you can't change them.
Here is the analysis: -
웃 : You are a great lover when you find that rare mate who is your equal,
웃 : otherwise your relationships do not go well.
웃 : Life is a roller coaster,
웃 : and you are finding ways to make the good times better.
웃 : You love sports.

Ahaha, copied that from one of facebook quizzes.

And, I officially sent a message to Yee Jean and Lilian in the middle of the night aka 3.30am to not inform me of any outing at all. in the future, that is.

Yeah, I think I just can't stand it anymore.

That's it, new life Jowena!!!! The world will still move on so don't stop yourself and let yourself lag behing us. Either keep up or be faster.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tearing up

As in namida type of tearing up. You guys really break my heart, do you know that? Everytime you guys do something, I don't know a shit about it at all. And the only way I can know it is when any of you guys would proudly put it up on facebook, making a grand big announcement and tagging the people involved.

And don't misunderstand, I am not making a personal attack here. Just writing it out to stop myself from crying. Cause at the end of the day, you guys just aren't worth it. Come on, 4/5 years worth of friendship and destroyed just because we all parted our ways. Man, I am disappointed. Yeah, I can be blamed for being maybe a bit more sensitive than my usual self. But you know what, I usually keep my sensitivity to myself caused most of the time, time can heal my sensitivity.

This is like one of those practice makes perfect things you know. The more I am seeing these kind of things, the more I get immune to being neglected. At the end of the day, maybe you guys won't be my friends anymore but purely and truly strangers

Are you guys hinting me to treat each and everyone of you as disposable items? Use once and thrown away instantly? Ok, maybe I have too deep of an attachment to you guys but seriously, can't you guys even inform me what happened?

And, last but not least, I think I have the right to be angry and if I do communicate to you in a more hostile manner, I won't apologise. Seriously.

I want to be punched, kicked and assaulted so badly right now. I need some real physical pain to make me cry. Rather than letting the emotional pain inflicted upon me continue rocking my sanity, I prefer using another method to make me cry.

The million fragments of my heart are being strewn across the whole universe. For they became so melancholic till they want to be lost in the sea of depression.

Hyperactivity reigns!!!!

XD, on 26.9.10, I went to do a stocktake!!!

Yeah, it might sound like a super dull word but seriously, I think I manage to learn a little. So, here is my experience:

Well, first thing off in the morning was to assemble in front of Menara Uni Asia at 8am. As usual, I was late (this time a few minutes only. XD) and finally we start the road to the client's place (thanks Frankie, Eugene and Shan!!!) . Luckily, being Sunday, the cars on the road was minimal and we managed to reach Klang in about 40 mins. Oh yeah, at the less developed part of Klang too. Where building were quite sparse save for a few factories and some widely-spaced houses.

So, seniors arrived after us and briefing from client's staff starts. Basically regarding how they do their stock calculation, location and things like that. Milk and sugar are the most valuable items here. We also sorted out among ourselves on who will be in-charge of what and things like that. I was teamed up with a Pui Sze (I assumed her name to be spelt like this), a quite cute girl. XD. We were required to check the Packaging stocks like labels and cartons. I mean, one of the client's activity is to print this sort of things.

Anyway, what we did was basically choose a few items to check "List to Floor" (Existence) and "Floor to List"(Completion) Ahahaha, hope I got that right, I kinda forgot. Then, had a great time observing the forklift at work and a word of caution, it is dangerous.

The only downside was the fact that the production machinery is not working today. Because if they do start production, all of our stock-taking will go haywired! I mean, they need raw materials to produce their finished goods. Anyway, still no complain, cause I actually enjoyed myself quite a lot.

Meh, the juniors(meaning the 5 of us : Frankie, Eugene, Shan, Pui Sze and me) finished early because basically the things that we choose as samples didn't pose any problem to us at all. We did not have to check for discrepancies/variances/differences at all. Lucky us. XD. Frankie had a funnier experience. He said that his guide(basically the one bringing us all over the warehouse and storeroom) asked him to count the stock as well. Due to the fact that he finished early. I can sort of see a role reversal here. I mean, instead of the guide following Frankie, Frankie was the one that followed the guide (><, should really get his name, cause I think I am being quite rude).

Anyway, the 5 of us started chit-chatting while waiting for the seniors. We spoke any crap under the sun and finally, we decided to go makan ady. Of course, with permission from seniors. Then we ate at this Bak Kut Teh shop, both version aka soupy and dry. Quite satisfied with the food there. Except for the fact that eating slow made me eat much less, ><. But yeah,I enjoyed my meal with the 4 of them.

Well, basically that's the end of my day cause the return trip was wasted with me sleeping but still being able to listen to everyone's laughter. XD

Adios, amigos.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Book cover....

Does it really matters at the end of the day?

For me, the cover's significance(s) is quite dependant on a few factors. I will consider the signature design of the publishing company,maturity of book contents, frequency of usage and tradition involved. Of course, the price must be reasonable as well. Surely some might have differing opinions and among one, might say that, it is the contents that matters, why bother with the cover?

This topic randomly came after a few things accumulated. I never really thought book covers to be an issue until recently when I saw Enid Blyton book covers were revamped to much more sharper contrast of colours, stronger characters design and layout changes. My heart sank instantly cause it looks too Americanized. Or maybe it was just because I am too attached to the covers that I came to adore when I was young.

Naturally, I began to remember incidents relating to book covers. Like on once occassion, I accompanied two friends to KLCC because one of them wanted to buy book. He even got a specific publisher for the books. So, off we go to find the books. Kinokuniya system is quite good, I must say. Anyway, I teamed up with my other friend, a girl and we did found the same title. But the publisher was different. Coincidentally, the guy friend manage to find the right publisher for the book. So, being me, I asked, what's the difference, aside from the obvious fact of the covers and publishers, and imagined my surprised that the difference in price was vast (about Rm20 to Rm30). I mean the difference is almost enough to buy another book.

Then, allow me to further elaborate about book covers with a well-known book title, The Da Vinci Code. I bought the US-edition first actually. The one with a partial picture of Mona Lisa and dark brown cover. Well, I was really absorbed by the writing style of Dan Brown, so I began to buy his other books. And the other books were in UK-edition. So, I began to wonder, why are the books design is so different in term of 'character'? The US-edition was obviously much more solid and more in-your-face whereas the UK-edition has a more classy and soft feel. The price were not greatly apart though.

Another issue which made me think back of book covers happened in my Literature in English times. That time, I bought my books quite hastily and wanted to make sure I had all the materials before starting class. Well, the teacher didn't use the books as soon as I expected but I was glad to buy the books much earlier. This is because when my friends bought the books much later, the covers were revamped to appeal better to the younger readers but personally, I wouldn not have traded my books for their covers at all. I will be able to prove this point better if I can you show you the books now. And let you experience the difference yourself. But seriously, I think I will be less motivated to read the book again and again if the cover was not up to my expectation.

Ok, so, there goes my random topic on book covers. I really hope that book covers will turn out for the better whenever they go for revamping. And accordance to all those that I mentioned above. XD

Friday, September 17, 2010

Adieu and goodbye

Yeah, this post is dedicated to Audrey Chong (Wei Kuan) who left for United Kingdoms on the night of 16th September 2010. She is a dear friend. One that I know for 9 years and counting. Superbly smart and my Mandarin tuition-mate.

We known each other since Standard 5 and her smartness was already apparent although she just joined the school. Heck, and I wonder how I got to know her so well that she actually asked me if I want to take up Mandarin classes with her (her then-current mate was going overseas, so I am sort of like, fill up the person's shoes). Well, why not? Its a win-win situation anyway. Thus, my command of Mandarin, if any, is thanks to her!!!

Then, the simple and enjoyable discussion about shows and movies among us also. Whenever we talk about those, it gives us a slight shine in our eyes cause we are able to awake ourselved with laughters. Ahaha, those were the times.

Man, I will always miss how her presence, always simple yet still felt by others.

Well, may your time in Manchester be among the best that you have and be a great pharmacist!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya~~~~

Yeah folks.


And I don't know what else to say anymore. Perhaps I should mention about the two outings I had with my form 5 classmates. Sort of like a Prelude to this joyous occasion.

On Thursday (9.9.10), had half a day off from work (whoopee!!!) and a farewell for few of my form 5 classmates who are leaving for UK (first-timers namely Audrey Chong, Gun Lesan, Chai Hui Jian and Edward while repeats are Haow Bin and Yau Mun). Will be missing you guys!!! Well, farewell was at Rakuzen. The food, by the look and smell of it, were fairly decent. Though I will have to say, I would be able to give a more accurate judgement if I did eat.

On Friday (10.9.10), went to watch Step-Up in 3D. Despite not being an avid fan of dancing except a one-year stint in ballroom dances and a short-lived interest in tap dance(actually I still like it but not that passionate anymore), I quite enjoyed the movie. The storyline is kind of..normal. But the dance moves and the sound tracks were awesome! Kudos to the choreographer(s) and music director(s)!!!

So, there goes my prelude. I have yet to visit any open house for the Raya though. Invite me in for any open house if you are having one. XD

Thursday, September 9, 2010

English, english, english.. where art thou??

Sigh, I am suddenly depressed over one thing. And that thing is none other than my deteriorating command of English (not that I was really proficient when I left Sri Garden). To make things worse, I read my previous entries and guess what, I went "GAHHHHHH". I noticed that I had so damn much mistakes and spelling/typing errors. Gah!

So, should I change my writing style to better English with more accurate grammar, punctuation marks and wider vocabulary? Gah! I don't really want to leave out my -la and XD though.

But then again, I really, really want to improve my English though. Aside from the fact that ICAEW Application Stage is in full-blown subjective papers (aka answer in essay form), I think my written English is beginning to affect my verbal skills as well.

That's it.


English, till the day I leave this world, I shall hunt for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yozakura Quartet

The first time I used a manga/anime title as my blog post if memory serves right. XD But don't expect any anime reviews. I am not that good. Yet.

Anyway, the point is, I just finished watching the anime of this particular title. Waiting to start on the manga series though. I just realised, it has been a damn long time since I enjoyed an anime.

When the realisation hit upon me, I thought back of the times when I grew up. Surrounded by comic books(then reading the Bahasa Melayu translation), gradually progressed to watching anime in local television channels (dubbed in Bahasa Melayu) to online reading manga and watching anime (aka now).

Also, I am now a proud member of SUAC, currently helping out in AniManGaki '10. Who knows, in the near future, I might be crossplaying even. XD

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tanggal 31 !!!!

31st of August for every year reminds me only one thing :

School-Wide Celebrations!!!

Yeah, cause I study in a school where kindergarden, primary and secondary levels are under one roof. Withour fail, annually, the celebrations will include a lot of us drabbed in traditional clothings. And we sort of have half-day off from studying due to the various celebrations.

I think my best memories from my schooling days celebrations were :
1. Decorating classes for the "Best Decorated in Merdeka-Theme Classroom"(yeah, title kinda cacat-ed by you get my drift)
2. Singing a mix-and-mash up version of "Malaysia Truly Asia" where we sang certain parts in English, Malay and Chinese (by the way, today I found out that there is a Japanese version of it in Youtube, forgotten the title of the video though. ><, apologies if you were interested. XD)
3. Participating in Inter-Private School Choir Competition, that was specially held in conjuction with Merdeka celebration. I forgotten what songs we sang but definitely in our line-up was, Setia. Cause it was out grand finale!! The funniest part was, we (5Sc1'ers) practised for about 2 weeks, due to the sudden change of songs(we can't sing Malaysia Truly Asia as a patriotic song T.T) and the teacherS, who were actually quite well-trained in Music, kept changing our harmonization, (I think that is the word though). But! We still managed to get 3rd placing, which surprised all of us. XD

Meh, 2009 was kinda boring though. No decorating of class, no singing. And got nothing!!

This year, 31.8.2010, it was a little bit more special than my non-schooling year (aka year 2009). I managed to finished a novel, entitled This End of the Rainbow by Adibah Amin. I was slightly late in realising that it touches on an issue close to all of our hearts. RACISM.
When I finished the book and think about it, then only I noticed, Hey, on Merdeka day, I completed this book. Seriously, scrap off all the politic talks and only introduce this book to childrens. Way more effective than Moral, Malaysia Studies or even National Service for that matter. The level of English is kinda easy anyway. Children can learn more words anyway. XD

Ok, that's it for today folks! see you again.