Monday, May 30, 2011

Bakuman Chapter 133 Last Page

This is pretty much a crucial time for me but I really gotta say this.



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Samurai Deeper Kyo : Final Stop

Guess what? For the past few weeks, I was on a frenzy on this manga called Samurai Deeper Kyo. Failing AA did not deter me from the manga, rather, I became even more ferocious in my pursuit to complete reading the whole series. Though, I would rather say that the mangaka created the final stop where all readers would be free to drop by whenever we miss the characters or just to see their simple smiles.

The series, which contains 308 chapters was no easy feat to complete. Though, 308 chapters roughly translated to 7 years of serialization. How cool and long running is that!! I mean, ignoring the fact that they are some manga going beyond that mark.

Chapters and length aside, the manga was so damn good because it strikes a chord in anybody's heart. When the mangaka(Kamijyo Akimine) masterfully weave in human values, bond of friendship or hatred, different paths but same goal and 'masks' that everyone wears, its hard not to be able to connect with any of the characters. And the moral of the story itself, by the mangaka herself, are stay stong in what you belief, pushing forward without fear or doubt and live life to the fullest!!

I would say every character, regardless of how small or brief their appearance might seem, foolish even at the beginning, plays a great part in the story. The main character himself, Kyo, was actually driven by all the other characters. By himself, he would seem to be a little bland, or normal, except for his way of words. As he speaks in a way that sounds very harsh, the kindness within his words can only be understood by people that understand him well. Kyo and the other characters as well, showed me what life in. In the sense that we get blinded all too often with what is in front of us rather than the truth that lies behind everything.

Before reading Samurai Deeper Kyo, I was constantly rethinking of my present and doubting myself. Am I really suited to be in the field I am studying? Would I be able to excel to my own expectation and of others that I felt indebted to? Why am I doing this? For money, for better livelihood or for family? Then, I realise, the message was clear all the while in the Samurai Deeper Kyo. Clear such foolish thought, just stick to your path and give it your all. Doubting yourself, even a small one, is enough to bring the whole person down.

So, for this two things, I will give it my all. Piano and ICAEW. I will be Associate for both. Instill fun and happiness in children whenever they hear music or play the piano. Be financially free and contribute to the society.

Yeah, most probably I will need to go to Samurai Deeper Kyo : Final Stop to remind me of this.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Buck up!!!!!

Now ain't the time for joy and cheer! Tis the time to work harder than ever!!

Yeah, especially since I failed AA paper, and its about half a month since I got my result on 28 April. Nothing surprising I guess, since I had been quite weak in the paper all this while.

So, cry over spilt milk? No way! That ain't me. I am the type to let it pass and just work harder for the forthcoming papers, which are AA and FA. So, yala! will just work harder.

Though, I still promised myself a movie and I watched it already. Its Fast and Furious 5 : The Rio Heist aka Fast 5. I am generally satisfied with the movie, its just that I didn't like the fact that they cut out the race(s) scene save for one. I mean, for me, Fast and Furious was never about the plot, it was all about Cars, Women, Cars, Macho, Cars, Underground and CARssss!!!!

So, you get my drift. XD Yeah, recently taken a liking to pun as well.

Ah, back to topic, its time to BUCK UP!!! and my pull my socks while I am at it. :P