Just in case you were expecting some fantasy world with unicorns, wizards and what not, nope, illusive world is not that! XD I actually want to talk about a dream that I had recently. And the significance of the dream? It mixed all my worlds together, mashing up all sort of feelings and passions that I have.
What amazes myself the most is the way my dream flowed. From casually walking in KLCC, to the impromptu modelling event to train compartments filled with children and eventually, a ride with a group of people I least expect to come together! Though, what surprised me the most was who I sat with. It was such a random chain of events that until now, I felt like going through it once more.
Funny how the predominant colours in my dream was blue and purple though, which I usually felt pretty neutral about. The colours did enhance the dream-like quality of my dream though. XD
I know, my dream sounds quite mundane, too bad, I forgotten the even more interesting bits. XD