Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1 76 16215! XD

Would any of you be able to decipher the meaning behind the numbers? XD
Just a quick explanation, if you haven't(or, if you do, skip to the next paragraph).
Basically, for the 1st time, I tried number76 (Starhill Gallery branch) on 16th February 2015! See, do the numbers make sense now?
Well, I thought the two numbers, 76 would have really given it off, cause I think by now, number76 would have gained quite a lot of publicity, with so many... people, in a way, swearing by it(in a good way).
Well, at least, enough publicity for me to know about it, (as I believe in ignorance is bliss~~ :p)

I really have no idea when did number76 started but I first heard of it by word of mouth from a friend, back in 2013 and the deal clincher was the fact that it is heavily influenced by Japan but not in a crazy way. If you are imagining the crazy Harajuku hairstyles, I wouldn't say you are wrong, but erm.. perhaps the 'lookbook' feature in number76 website would provide a better idea of the styles they do.

Ok, enough with introduction and on with the experience!

Let's start with the booking process, shall we? In view of Chinese New Year approaching soon when I made the booking, I actually made my booking 2 weeks in advance, through a phone. And being forgetful, I called once to reschedule and another time to reconfirm. Well, suffice to say, there are really patient with me and all, which made me really comfortable.

Then on the day itself, I was terribly late due to other CNY errands. However, instead of cancelling my appointment and asking me to reschedule, what they did instead was to slot me in the next available session. Being only 3 days away from CNY, I would say that it was a very win-win situation la. XD

So, the stylist I got was Xuan, who is really super duper nice and accommodating to my request. Basically, what I requested for is a manageable hairstyle and maybe some fringe, that will make me look younger(Audit has an effect of making people look older than they actually are :p). On my part, because I don't really like to get my hair washed by others and I am not going for their special treatments and stuffs, I just ask her to skip the hairwashing part, lol. Again, she accommodated my request. Then, off she goes, snip snip snip~ and she nailed it! I was really going for a haircut where the change is subtle, like really really subtle, as good as not cutting but there is still a noticeable difference. And that is what Xuan gave me. :)

There you have it, a full-blown words post. Again. Regarding my experience in number76. And of course, I will most likely be a repeat customer and I fully intend to have Xuan's approach to my hair again too! XD

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kris Kringle/Secret Santa/etc etc activity in office!!!

As usual, a super duper delayed post! XD ( I will never learn) This is supposed to be a Christmas-y post but now is already February, where people are either in Valentines' mood or Chinese New Year mood. I seriously live in my own pace.

Anyway, back to the story, in the month leading to Christmas 2014, a few of workplace friends and myself organised a gift-exchange activity where each week, we would buy gift(within a price range, gradually escalating each week) for the name of the person name we drawn from the 'lot'. There are two types involved, where one person will buy for the same person for the whole month, while the other type is the one that every week the receive would be changed.

So, here is my part:
The friend that I got was a girl, so in a particular order, I bought chocolate cookies which are like kinda healthy(cause she likes to keep fit and all), a Nivea body lotion(cause I also find her pretty sexy :p), a packet of Hershey's chocolates with special Christmas-y flavours(cause she always gives me food in office :p) and finally, a pendrive(for her to store her dramas and movies la)!

Being the cheap me, I wrap the presents from the colour papers in office and I tend to put a note on the 'wrapping paper'. Perhaps I injected a bit too much of myself that I blew my cover!! Lolololol. Part of the fun and excitement during the whole time is actually to guess who gotten who's name and perhaps drop a hint or two regarding what you like.

So, on the other spectrum, where I am on the receiving end:

I guess I was pretty lucky in the sense that my name was under the second type, because different friends would pick my name each week. So, before I gush further regarding what I got, allow a picture to speak a thousand words to you :

For the first week, I got the green cup with a Santa on it, which is on the far right of the picture. And trust me, I have really been using the cup at work. Why have it and not use it, right? Whereas for the second week, it was a pair of Totoro figurines! And ain't they cute and adorable??!! Lol! Excited much due to their cuteness.

Moving on to the third week, this friend of mine gotten me a Laneigh basic trial-kit out of her 'sayang-ness' for me, and as it was not available in Malaysia, she had to ship it over from... somewhere else. I had not yet began using it cause I do want to treasure it properly (and I have been leaving it in office, instead of bringing it back home :( )

And the finale! This friend is one of the most bugger-ish asshole but all the same, he is damn nice de XD So, what I had gotten as the Christmas presents are the tin of Garrett popcorns(which I had been craving for... a year plus, I guess) and the badges of two characters from Assassination Classroom. First thing first, I am not very sure which variant of popcorn did my friend got for me, but I would take it that it is Macadamia Caramel Crisp because each individual pieces of popcorn and macadamia was thoroughly coated with caramel. Which cause a little havoc in the office because although I am cheap, I ain't selfish or stingy to share yo!

Well, that's that, lol, for the Kris Kringle activity! Fun time with fun people! ^_^