On Thursday(11.11.10), I drove (again) for the whole day. With the early part starting at 8.00am. Going to KLCC. I had to be there really early, cause on a curiousity on my part, I really wanted to know how PricewaterhouseCoppers (PwC) office look like. So, I gotta park at KLCC then take a LRT to KL Sentral.
Yeah, so Adam and I walked to PwC office and he sort of smuggled me in. It was fun. I mean, the decor of PwC is quite.. funky (only the pantry) whereas the office by itself looks very clean-cut and neat. It is a quite a waste that I wasn't able to go to more places though. Anyway, once Adam collected his internship letter from PwC, we head back to KLCC cause the day officially started with entering World Congress of Acccountants exhibition halls. And on the way to the convention centre, the tunnel looked damn great! For no reason other than the ICAEW advertisement. I mean, black and red together is such a damn nice colour. Heck, I would even use the word sexy. (Just unfortunately, some people ain't able to carry that colour well, XD) and a sneak peek of the ceiling for you guys.

Once we were done, we head back to the exhibition hall and start lazing around in either ICAEW booth or Sunway-Tes booth. I forgotten what I was doing but it definitely wasn't productive. Moving on though, we proceeded to listen to the Interview with CEOs: Accountants in the Next Decade: Embracing Change and Seizing Opportunities. It was quite interesting but me being my usual restless self, felt a little bored sitting only.
So, once the talk was done with, all of us have to rush back to college and about me, well, I basically had 4 passengers in my car, namely: Adam, Tze Lin, Wesley and Lee Ning. Anyway, my driving really needs polishing up, cause sooner or later, I might be sued for manslaughter if I keep driving the same way. XD
Moving on, we just barely managed to reach Sunway University-College on time. Cause by the time I just parked my car, suddenly, the rain just came pouring down!! Adam and Wesley is lucky to escape to pink. ><, so sorry Lee Ning! I am skipping the part about the one with Michael Izza, cause it is just random funny moments there.
Now, the real fun begins when some of us have to rush to Sheraton and help out with two things. Graduation and Annual Dinner. The graduation wasn't much, just a small event. Whereas for the Annual Dinner, the moment I laid my eyes on my classmates(girls only), I pratically drool and salivate. My soul left my body and I am at a loss of words. The only thing I was capable of doing at that time was to bow (as gentlemanly as I can muster then) and giggle in fits, out of sheer joy! Then, when the dinner starts, I will have to say that the food is below par and the only thing very memorable is the company. I mean, we even get to see Mr. Ong's wife. Who is quite a statuesque beauty, I would say. Of course, something pretty unpleasant happened, but let bygones be bygones, Jowena.
Guess what, at the end of the day, I had to send Adam home as well. And had our own chit-chat session in the car la. Was kinda 'informative' la.
Basically, the day/night ended well. Had the time of my life. See how two days (9.11.2010 & 11.11.2010) occupied so much of my time and life. I am kinda glad my mother went to Hong Kong during these two days actually. XD
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