Monday, March 5, 2012

Hoshi no Samidare

Hoshi no Samidare, or also known as The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer was a hidden gem! Its a manga series that I clearly overlooked due to the fact that it talks about world domination by way of destruction. Come one, how many times had this plot been used?

But lucky me for having a friend who forced me to read it, and I, in turn, became a full fan of the manga. The manga is action-packed, no doubt but it also wrenched the heart oh-so-much that during the ending, I really felt that, 'are things really ending? can it don't end?', which I think is also partially affected by the way the story moved.

I don't really want to go into the details because if I do so, it will look more like a re-telling of the story. So, what I can say about the manga is that it is a good vs. evil type of thing, with a hidden agenda for some of the characters. The best thing, to see how each of them grow throughout the story, the impact of a person's life or death towards the entire situation and also, get to learn some trolling. XD

I guess Hoshi no Samidare is one manga that you definitely won't regret reading, because there is practically everything packed into this short manga of 65 chapters. Not forgetting, the mangaka actually wraps it up quite nicely, instead of leaving the series hanging, as some mangakas are really fond off.

And a link in case you don't know where to read it : XD

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