Monday, April 23, 2012

SOS!!! Shows and Performances in May 2012 for KLPAC and TAS

Update : This got to be the best accidental troll post I ever made! Apologies to so many people who came here finding nothing!! >.< Honestly, wasn't aware that its empty except for the title. So, to compensate, this will be a picture- and words-laden post

Anyway, back to topic on hand, there are so many great shows and performances in May that until now, I still can't make up my mind. Moreover, there are two places to choose from, KLPAC and TAS. Give me a little help and suggest, onegaishimasu (please!!!)

MAY 2 – 6                   JALAN PINTAS FILM SCREENING (TAS)
                                     Imagine a film that premiered in Freedom Film Fest and was shot using only a Canon 5D. How much more basic could it get? Presented in Malay as well,
                                     it is bound to be interesting.

MAY 4 – 6                   T4YP 5TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON HEARTS DESIRE (Indicine)
                                     The monotony of life, how many of us loved it, loathed it or even accepts it?
                                     But when order is disrupted, do you embrace or deny the chaos? Masterfully
                                     presented by Director Christopher Ling and the T4YP ensemble, its a play
                                     about homecoming.

MAY 4 – 6                   JUNIOR STRING ENSEMBLE (P2) 
                                     I would say that this is one of the best concert to bring children to, especially
                                     string instruments learner for a few reasons. For one, the children might be
                                     able to appreciate the performances better as the perfomers could be of the
                                     same age. Who knows? Maybe he or she will joing the KLPAC string
                                     ensemble under the baton of Dr. Takahisa Ota.

MAY 7 – 8, 14 - 15     WORLD’S BEST MOVIES (Indicine)

Enough said.

MAY 9 – 12                 VIRGIN NIA (Indicine)
                                     Bought to you by Serious Comedy Studio, its a play that has a lot of ironic
                                     themes and hypocrisy. When two Chinese (Virgin Nia and Dick, honestly, its
                                     their name) who proclaims to champion the Chinese culture and language but
                                     only does the western stuff, should they still proudly say that they champion
                                     the Chinese heritage?

MAY 10 – 12               PLATFORM – THE EMPEROR (P2)

 The Emperor is now a name for the kidnapper, who kidnapped a group of people and locked them in a room. What will happen to them as the night goes deeper, darker and further from humanity?

MAY 11 - 13                THE GODMOTHER (TAS)
                                     A woman made of steel, suffered an injury and needs to be hospitalised.
                                     Initially a quiet affair, turned to havoc when a nurse accidentally let the cat
                                     out of the bag. Being an action comedy, I just can't fathom how the story will
                                     go, with the injured lady and all the visitors and their hidden intentions.

MAY 16 - 20                IMPROV JOM WITH AIIA (P2)

 To be pronounced as Aiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaaaah, this is a one-heck of a performance as it is meant to be super crazy and hyper-interactive. Apparently, there are so many things packed into it but I am not going to spoil it for you. :P Also, the performers will actually carry out the show based on audiences response, so never expect the same progress when you attend again!


My weakening command in Bahasa Melayu deterred me from understanding the word Senapas but what already caught my attention was the poster. I initially thought it was an arm full of muscles and scars. But upon further scrutiny, its a crying baby. For what purpose, I know now but one thing for sure, its going to be one play that strikes the heart.
                                     Not sure if many of you remember the Chinese movie, Painted Skin which
                                     came out about one or two years ago? Yup, the original story was actually by
                                     a Qing dynasty writer who goes by the pen-name Liao Zhai (real name Pu
                                     Song-Ling). So, Catan Kulit will actually explore further into the masks that
                                     each and everyone wears and not just the skin that the evil being wears. An
                                     extra edge of this play is also because it will incorporate dances and
                                     movements. Body language at its best!

MAY 30 – 31               THE CHAMBER WIND PROJECT (hosted by Birdian Saxophone Quartet
                                     and klpac) (Pentas 2)

 This is one concert that I would reeaaallllllyyyyy love to attend. Solely due to two simple facts, I love woodwind instruments quite a lot and the repertoire for this concert is quite vast as the ensembles(3 here) will perform music from Baroque all the way to Contemporary! So, if you share the same interest, do attend!

Yeah, these are all that I am considering, actually there's more, but a little time-pressed here, so will put it in soon!!
So, be quick guys!! April is ending!! And remember to give suggestion on which one I should attend. really spoilt for choices!

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