Not to say it wasn't fun, but I since I am kinda lazy, so I will just put up what is memorable to me on the night(24th december)
1) Made the mistake of thinking The Night of Nights starts at 7.00pm instead of 9.00pm
2) Had McDonald by the road side/curb
3) Knowing the fact about Su Wei's weight
4) Watching a short animation entitled The Crippled Lamb
5) Have funs with friends(overall)
I guess that should be it...
Kinda short this time but sometimes, less is more.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Haow Bin's BBQ night part 2
And from here onwards, it shall be nothing but a story of three movies and a wonderful trip to a Mamak shop and a little bit of some thing else. I think.
After a good meal as mentioned, everyone starting being tech-savvy and use tv or laptops or handphones, I counted, there are 4-5 laptops present excluding the one being used by one of Haow Bin's younger bro. I shall recount what I did, which were watching slam ball, an episode of gundam 00 and sort of hijacking Chia Hoong's(henceforth refer to as Aniki) laptop.
After what seems like half an hour or so, its time for the movies. And the first movie up is...............
La Lingerie...
and I don't think I would like to review it so I shall describe the epic-ness of the Screening Room.
First of, the best part would be the sofas and mattresses. It is damn comfortable and I actually feel more like sleeping than watching. If it wasn't for the natural high-ness that I obtain from the previous two to three house, I really think I would have slept. Following up is the audio and visual system, which I think is pretty much top-notch. I love cuddling beside Yee Jean too!(i might and might not be joking, that's up for you to decide, XD). By the way, there is an ant bolster that is picture-worthy but I didn't took a pic of it, so imagine it if you didn't see it.
So, a clear picture of the Screening Room already? Well, I shall move on to the next one, the Mamak experience.
It was actually a short trip to me from Haow Bin's house to the Mamak shop but oh well, its my first time yam cha-ing in the middle of the night with a group of friends with a nice white moon in the sky. The people who paid me back for the meal, please claim your birthday present(for both 08/09 or 09 only, depending who you are) from me. Inform me at least a month beforehand. I need time to choose and save money. OK?????? Will it be so in the future, when all of us are in college, I truly wonder that.
Anyway, the trip back was the one that I really want to focus on because I was really enjoying myself and at the same time, have a fear for on-coming cars at any direction. Let's see.... Some things are best left un-said(unless I can't reach my 2000-word mark)
*Post to be continued from time to time.... when I feel like it.. Considering there are parts of the story missing
After a good meal as mentioned, everyone starting being tech-savvy and use tv or laptops or handphones, I counted, there are 4-5 laptops present excluding the one being used by one of Haow Bin's younger bro. I shall recount what I did, which were watching slam ball, an episode of gundam 00 and sort of hijacking Chia Hoong's(henceforth refer to as Aniki) laptop.
After what seems like half an hour or so, its time for the movies. And the first movie up is...............
La Lingerie...
and I don't think I would like to review it so I shall describe the epic-ness of the Screening Room.
First of, the best part would be the sofas and mattresses. It is damn comfortable and I actually feel more like sleeping than watching. If it wasn't for the natural high-ness that I obtain from the previous two to three house, I really think I would have slept. Following up is the audio and visual system, which I think is pretty much top-notch. I love cuddling beside Yee Jean too!(i might and might not be joking, that's up for you to decide, XD). By the way, there is an ant bolster that is picture-worthy but I didn't took a pic of it, so imagine it if you didn't see it.
So, a clear picture of the Screening Room already? Well, I shall move on to the next one, the Mamak experience.
It was actually a short trip to me from Haow Bin's house to the Mamak shop but oh well, its my first time yam cha-ing in the middle of the night with a group of friends with a nice white moon in the sky. The people who paid me back for the meal, please claim your birthday present(for both 08/09 or 09 only, depending who you are) from me. Inform me at least a month beforehand. I need time to choose and save money. OK?????? Will it be so in the future, when all of us are in college, I truly wonder that.
Anyway, the trip back was the one that I really want to focus on because I was really enjoying myself and at the same time, have a fear for on-coming cars at any direction. Let's see.... Some things are best left un-said(unless I can't reach my 2000-word mark)
*Post to be continued from time to time.... when I feel like it.. Considering there are parts of the story missing
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Haow Bin's BBQ night part 1
On 18th December 2008, we were having a BBQ at Haow Bin's house and prior to the BBQ itself, it was another race against time for Lilian and I. It started at 6.30pm where I boarded the LRT at Cempaka Station and Lilian, at Pandan Jaya Station. And then we overshoot Chan Sow Lin and instead got dropped off at Pudu. Haha.. Talking really distracts you it seems.
Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.You know, as people says, a picture speaks a thousand words, so here is one, to be viewed from left to right:
(Standing row: Yip Siong, Haow Bin, Chia Hoong, Jowena Kok, Jun Jin, Edward Cheu)
(Sitting row : Chun Tean, Sonia Sin, Yee Jean, Lilian Loo)
Hopefully I can have a thousand words typed out here base on the picture, starting now:
On 18th December 2008, we were having a BBQ at Haow Bin's house and prior to the BBQ itself, it was another race against time for Lilian and I. It started at 6.30pm where I boarded the LRT at Cempaka Station and Lilian, at Pandan Jaya Station. And then we overshoot Chan Sow Lin and instead got dropped off at Pudu. Haha.. Talking really distracts you it seems.
Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.
(Oh no, I need two thousand words now.)(And excluding everything in brackets/parentheses, its only 100+)
So, at Sri Petaling Station, finally, we alighted at Edward's car who was accompanied by Yee Jean(don't betray me, Yee Jean!). Off we go to Haow Bin's area then. In Edward's car, an incident which I find funny was that Yee Jean forgotten to call her mother until she heard me call my mother. And she had been at Haow Bin's house for one hour. Unfortunately, a prank was played on the three of us where we were mistakenly bought to a dark and eerie house with no lights at all. Apparently, this is the haunted house that had been mentioned in the talk after McDonald trip at Yee Jean's house. Yours truly, being the idiot, shouted to the house : HAOW BIN, YOU THERE?
Now that I think back, I have the most probability of angering the ghost and having it follow me.
Ok, let's finally reach Haow Bin's house already! Well, all friends are happily eating away and chatting away and burning away already. Well, luckily it is not the end yet because the food stock is still a lot. Therefore, we kept on eating. Not only that, Haow Bin's mother was hospitable enough to cook rice for the late comers. THANKS AUNTY!!! From my observation though, talking seems to overrule eating.
(And this is only 287 words. I suppose I shall and will edit it again though.)
Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.You know, as people says, a picture speaks a thousand words, so here is one, to be viewed from left to right:
(Sitting row : Chun Tean, Sonia Sin, Yee Jean, Lilian Loo)
Hopefully I can have a thousand words typed out here base on the picture, starting now:
On 18th December 2008, we were having a BBQ at Haow Bin's house and prior to the BBQ itself, it was another race against time for Lilian and I. It started at 6.30pm where I boarded the LRT at Cempaka Station and Lilian, at Pandan Jaya Station. And then we overshoot Chan Sow Lin and instead got dropped off at Pudu. Haha.. Talking really distracts you it seems.
Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.
So, at Sri Petaling Station, finally, we alighted at Edward's car who was accompanied by Yee Jean(don't betray me, Yee Jean!). Off we go to Haow Bin's area then. In Edward's car, an incident which I find funny was that Yee Jean forgotten to call her mother until she heard me call my mother. And she had been at Haow Bin's house for one hour. Unfortunately, a prank was played on the three of us where we were mistakenly bought to a dark and eerie house with no lights at all. Apparently, this is the haunted house that had been mentioned in the talk after McDonald trip at Yee Jean's house. Yours truly, being the idiot, shouted to the house : HAOW BIN, YOU THERE?
Now that I think back, I have the most probability of angering the ghost and having it follow me.
Ok, let's finally reach Haow Bin's house already! Well, all friends are happily eating away and chatting away and burning away already. Well, luckily it is not the end yet because the food stock is still a lot. Therefore, we kept on eating. Not only that, Haow Bin's mother was hospitable enough to cook rice for the late comers. THANKS AUNTY!!! From my observation though, talking seems to overrule eating.
(And this is only 287 words. I suppose I shall and will edit it again though.)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Koi no ABC
Ok, this is my second post in one day but it is important for me to put this down. I am afraid I might forgot it.
Koi no ABC or literally translated, the ABC of Love. I got this from an anime entitled Over Drive. A long story cut short, for anime and manga lovers, please tune in to Over Drive and enjoy epi 23/24. I don't really remember which one but please bear in mind it is a shonen anime. I hope you understand what I mean by shonen.
By the way, you must also understand some Japanese culture and expressions in order to really grasp the meaning of Koi no ABC!!!!
One of the factor that influences me to do this post is that, the title or the sound is catchy. That's all and nothing more.
Shall 5sc1 of Yr 2008 create their own list of Koi no ABC?
And now, the verdict is yours...
Koi no ABC or literally translated, the ABC of Love. I got this from an anime entitled Over Drive. A long story cut short, for anime and manga lovers, please tune in to Over Drive and enjoy epi 23/24. I don't really remember which one but please bear in mind it is a shonen anime. I hope you understand what I mean by shonen.
By the way, you must also understand some Japanese culture and expressions in order to really grasp the meaning of Koi no ABC!!!!
One of the factor that influences me to do this post is that, the title or the sound is catchy. That's all and nothing more.
Shall 5sc1 of Yr 2008 create their own list of Koi no ABC?
And now, the verdict is yours...
The night of the dances
Well, this post suppose to materialized on 12.12.2008. Too bad that I am a serious procrastinator.
Ok, actually 12.12.2008 was prom night for Sri Garden School. Yours truly here instead spent the day going back to Ipoh and enjoyed it. Therefore, I really couldn't even stop by at Prince Hotel just to be a 'kay poh chee' and to see how my classmates had dress up/down(you know, some folks might just love to bare their skins) for the occasion. For that, my classmates/nakama/tomodachi, I sincerely and humbly apologize. So, did you all dance on that night?
On the other hand, the feedbacks that I get from my peers is quite a relief. There is a good balance of positive and negative feedback. Somehow or rather, it reminds me of the way things work in this universe. I bet the pictures, which will paint thousands and thousands of words will be able to tell me better. And I am waiting for it, you folks!
Finally, lets tackle the matter at hand, prom. I had been thinking, what is prom?? From my title, I said the night of dances but did you all really dance? From others, my understanding is that prom is like a huge gathering and to see each other in another viewpoint. Some even told me that it is like the final high school/secondary memory.
Another thing, what is the PURPOSE of prom? Why do you all go to prom? I know it is meaningful but let's be realistic, after seeing just each other in few weeks ago, is such a large-scale gathering that meaningful? I really don't know anymore...
Answer my queries, anyone?
Ok, actually 12.12.2008 was prom night for Sri Garden School. Yours truly here instead spent the day going back to Ipoh and enjoyed it. Therefore, I really couldn't even stop by at Prince Hotel just to be a 'kay poh chee' and to see how my classmates had dress up/down(you know, some folks might just love to bare their skins) for the occasion. For that, my classmates/nakama/tomodachi, I sincerely and humbly apologize. So, did you all dance on that night?
On the other hand, the feedbacks that I get from my peers is quite a relief. There is a good balance of positive and negative feedback. Somehow or rather, it reminds me of the way things work in this universe. I bet the pictures, which will paint thousands and thousands of words will be able to tell me better. And I am waiting for it, you folks!
Finally, lets tackle the matter at hand, prom. I had been thinking, what is prom?? From my title, I said the night of dances but did you all really dance? From others, my understanding is that prom is like a huge gathering and to see each other in another viewpoint. Some even told me that it is like the final high school/secondary memory.
Another thing, what is the PURPOSE of prom? Why do you all go to prom? I know it is meaningful but let's be realistic, after seeing just each other in few weeks ago, is such a large-scale gathering that meaningful? I really don't know anymore...
Answer my queries, anyone?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The 17th Birthday
Well, I promised myself to have a personal blog by my brithday, hence this blog.
And without fail, it is about my 17th birthday(10th December 2008). Drill 10th December into your brains and give me presents! Every year! Hehe..
Ok, to start off, yesterday was the day where I had a date with Lilian. To describe her place in my heart, it will do her no justice because my words will not be on par with her rank.
So, we meet up in Cempaka Station around 10.00 am and proceed with our ride in LRT to Hang Tuah station. Midway, on our way to Times Square, in front of Pudu Jail, there is a rotten rat... Is this piece of information important, I wonder.
Anway, from Times Square we walked over to Sg. Wang and I bought Lilian to Suncomic and Chambers of Music(both the one with lots of books and the one with instruments). In turn, she brought me to Comic Paradise and stopped by at Watsons. Furthermore, to waste time till 12.00pm to eat lunch, I brought her to MPH bookstores, one of my favourite places.
At 12.00pm, this is the climax! We went to Teppanyaki. Coincidentally, Lilian 'sakit perut'. So, to complete her acting, I who is still clueless, really went to the toilet. In actual fact, she is contacting Yee Jean and the rest(Sow Yeng, Pui Shing and Chun Tean) and I am waiting outside her cubicle.
Then, we went back to Teppanyaki and Lilian still complained that her stomach ache. So I constantly glance around in order to catch a waiter/waitress to bring hot tea. Suddenly, I saw Yee Jean and greeted in a way that is: 'Oh, hi, Yee Jean!'. Apparently, she, Sow Yeng, Pui Shing and Chun Tean is supposed to surprise me. I really thought they were there coincidentally. After all, it is school holiday. Haha, I still appreciate the fact that they came though. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! So we sat down and ate Teppanyaki. Then they presented me a cake, its nice and tasty. I was really touched and still am by their gesture. I will not forget today and will try to put up pictures!
Then, as we part our ways, Lilian and I went to watch BOLT.. This show is really light-hearted although the message is actually quite strong. Then we went home. Lilian to KLCC and I to Cempaka Station. That's all folks.
PS. To those that wished me and even gave me present, I give you my equal share of gratitude!
And without fail, it is about my 17th birthday(10th December 2008). Drill 10th December into your brains and give me presents! Every year! Hehe..
Ok, to start off, yesterday was the day where I had a date with Lilian. To describe her place in my heart, it will do her no justice because my words will not be on par with her rank.
So, we meet up in Cempaka Station around 10.00 am and proceed with our ride in LRT to Hang Tuah station. Midway, on our way to Times Square, in front of Pudu Jail, there is a rotten rat... Is this piece of information important, I wonder.
Anway, from Times Square we walked over to Sg. Wang and I bought Lilian to Suncomic and Chambers of Music(both the one with lots of books and the one with instruments). In turn, she brought me to Comic Paradise and stopped by at Watsons. Furthermore, to waste time till 12.00pm to eat lunch, I brought her to MPH bookstores, one of my favourite places.
At 12.00pm, this is the climax! We went to Teppanyaki. Coincidentally, Lilian 'sakit perut'. So, to complete her acting, I who is still clueless, really went to the toilet. In actual fact, she is contacting Yee Jean and the rest(Sow Yeng, Pui Shing and Chun Tean) and I am waiting outside her cubicle.
Then, we went back to Teppanyaki and Lilian still complained that her stomach ache. So I constantly glance around in order to catch a waiter/waitress to bring hot tea. Suddenly, I saw Yee Jean and greeted in a way that is: 'Oh, hi, Yee Jean!'. Apparently, she, Sow Yeng, Pui Shing and Chun Tean is supposed to surprise me. I really thought they were there coincidentally. After all, it is school holiday. Haha, I still appreciate the fact that they came though. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! So we sat down and ate Teppanyaki. Then they presented me a cake, its nice and tasty. I was really touched and still am by their gesture. I will not forget today and will try to put up pictures!
Then, as we part our ways, Lilian and I went to watch BOLT.. This show is really light-hearted although the message is actually quite strong. Then we went home. Lilian to KLCC and I to Cempaka Station. That's all folks.
PS. To those that wished me and even gave me present, I give you my equal share of gratitude!
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