And from here onwards, it shall be nothing but a story of three movies and a wonderful trip to a Mamak shop and a little bit of some thing else. I think.
After a good meal as mentioned, everyone starting being tech-savvy and use tv or laptops or handphones, I counted, there are 4-5 laptops present excluding the one being used by one of Haow Bin's younger bro. I shall recount what I did, which were watching slam ball, an episode of gundam 00 and sort of hijacking Chia Hoong's(henceforth refer to as Aniki) laptop.
After what seems like half an hour or so, its time for the movies. And the first movie up is...............
La Lingerie...
and I don't think I would like to review it so I shall describe the epic-ness of the Screening Room.
First of, the best part would be the sofas and mattresses. It is damn comfortable and I actually feel more like sleeping than watching. If it wasn't for the natural high-ness that I obtain from the previous two to three house, I really think I would have slept. Following up is the audio and visual system, which I think is pretty much top-notch. I love cuddling beside Yee Jean too!(i might and might not be joking, that's up for you to decide, XD). By the way, there is an ant bolster that is picture-worthy but I didn't took a pic of it, so imagine it if you didn't see it.
So, a clear picture of the Screening Room already? Well, I shall move on to the next one, the Mamak experience.
It was actually a short trip to me from Haow Bin's house to the Mamak shop but oh well, its my first time yam cha-ing in the middle of the night with a group of friends with a nice white moon in the sky. The people who paid me back for the meal, please claim your birthday present(for both 08/09 or 09 only, depending who you are) from me. Inform me at least a month beforehand. I need time to choose and save money. OK?????? Will it be so in the future, when all of us are in college, I truly wonder that.
Anyway, the trip back was the one that I really want to focus on because I was really enjoying myself and at the same time, have a fear for on-coming cars at any direction. Let's see.... Some things are best left un-said(unless I can't reach my 2000-word mark)
*Post to be continued from time to time.... when I feel like it.. Considering there are parts of the story missing
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