Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.You know, as people says, a picture speaks a thousand words, so here is one, to be viewed from left to right:
(Sitting row : Chun Tean, Sonia Sin, Yee Jean, Lilian Loo)
Hopefully I can have a thousand words typed out here base on the picture, starting now:
On 18th December 2008, we were having a BBQ at Haow Bin's house and prior to the BBQ itself, it was another race against time for Lilian and I. It started at 6.30pm where I boarded the LRT at Cempaka Station and Lilian, at Pandan Jaya Station. And then we overshoot Chan Sow Lin and instead got dropped off at Pudu. Haha.. Talking really distracts you it seems.
Anyway, another mayhem appeared after we resume our journey! The mayhem was none other than to wait and meet up with Shang Ging at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station. It was actually funny considering that Shang Ging was involved. Well, Lilian and I were waiting for Shang Ging for about 30mins and when we finally saw him, he was happily drinking his can drink. See Lilian's DL look.
So, at Sri Petaling Station, finally, we alighted at Edward's car who was accompanied by Yee Jean(don't betray me, Yee Jean!). Off we go to Haow Bin's area then. In Edward's car, an incident which I find funny was that Yee Jean forgotten to call her mother until she heard me call my mother. And she had been at Haow Bin's house for one hour. Unfortunately, a prank was played on the three of us where we were mistakenly bought to a dark and eerie house with no lights at all. Apparently, this is the haunted house that had been mentioned in the talk after McDonald trip at Yee Jean's house. Yours truly, being the idiot, shouted to the house : HAOW BIN, YOU THERE?
Now that I think back, I have the most probability of angering the ghost and having it follow me.
Ok, let's finally reach Haow Bin's house already! Well, all friends are happily eating away and chatting away and burning away already. Well, luckily it is not the end yet because the food stock is still a lot. Therefore, we kept on eating. Not only that, Haow Bin's mother was hospitable enough to cook rice for the late comers. THANKS AUNTY!!! From my observation though, talking seems to overrule eating.
(And this is only 287 words. I suppose I shall and will edit it again though.)
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