Creativity, Conceptualizing and Consistency for a Blog.
Yup, that's what the Cs and the B stand for. Just in case you are looking for the guys/girls criteria thingy, maybe next time :P (Honestly, there is and its damn true too, but really, next time. More Cs and Bs involved though).
Blog is obviously this one that you are reading. And I am looking at a major overhaul in terms of contents and layout. Still, figuring out but at least, I am still on the way!! I want this overhaul to be a final one, and even if in the future, I have the heart to change, I wouldn't want to. Sounds confusing, aite? Basically, I am only going to do this overhaul now and its a once and for all thing.
First C : Creativity.
Hm.. Since this place is my own personal space, I guess I can turn it into anything or anywhere I want? I have been blogwalking quite a lot these few days and seriously, there is just so much that can be done! Mostly are quite consistent with their blogging content though. Like a travel blogger will make it sounds all place like, a fashion blogger will make their blog sounds like a closet. You get my drift so far? So, since I basically deal with anything from thoughts to events coverage to reviews of stuff that caught my fancy, and also a deep fascination on my part, I think a bar-like idea suits me perfectly well.
Second C : Conceptualizing.
So, since I decided on what I wanted, time to turn the creativity into a concept. Since I definitely want to remain my thoughts here, so a bar, where I am THE BARTENDER, makes sense? So, how else do I make it more bar-like? A CLOSET/CUPBOARD of liqueurs, aperitifs and COCKTAILS for the daring and MOCKTAILS for the mild? What about the 'accidental' CUSTOMERS who stumbled here? I just hope it didn't turn out to bar-like until I seem to be promoting alcohol and liquors only. Though, I am quite deeply interested in drinks and stuffs.
Third C : Consistency
Yup, yup. You read right, consistency is key for me. So, no matter what happens, I will stick to my Bar concept! animangacraze's bar. How cool. Only if true bar culture exist in Malaysia. Wait, got sidetracked. Basically, yeah, everything will be a bar-related name, idea or theme. The only bit of inconsistency, maybe my posts which will definitely still be my thoughts, opinions and all else that interest me at that moment.
And that concludes my whole idea. Now, time for execution of the plan *groans and makes myself a drink*.
Will start when I am sober.
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