XD a highly retarded title but a title nonetheless. So, Kuantan, what is so special about it that it warrants a post by itself? Basically, it is actually the first time that I have an opportunity to go outstation. For work purpose, but I still managed to enjoy myself. :P
But nah, I am not going to talk about what I did and what I didn't, instead this is more of a post about the speciality and things I find interesting during this trip of mine. And it starts now!
Kuantan is actually at the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia and the areas of Kuantan I been to, are either quite far from town centre or meant to remove your thoughts from city life. Near the beach too. XD Unfortunately, the beach is quite a shade of grey... so, I doubt that it really enables people to enjoy, or maybe the particular stretch we are at is just... dirty.
One of the really great meals I had at Kuantan was a seafood meal in a restaurant named Pak Su. The signboard is bright yellow with some Chinese characters on it. Apparently, it is famous for its stuffed crabs (yong hai in cantonese). At RM7.00 apiece, I guess it is do worth a try. Taste-wise, it taste much better when the chili sauce provided is applied on it, just don't put too much. Note : They used real crab meat, so no worries there. XD
The next item I was super impressed with is not in Kuantan, instead it is in Bentong, which is another town in Pahang. I am talking about the hand-made ice-cream that has such smoothness, creaminess and balance sense of sweetness from Kow Po Ice-cream. The logo looks like Mickey Mouse holding cones of ice-cream and it is perfectly apt. The flavour that I tried was Pandan flavour and it was really full of the Pandan fragrance. A shop that it pretty easy to spot if you just keep straight but keep a look out on your right if you are coming from the exit of the highway.
Yup, not really much, and maybe lacking, yet I enjoyed myself tremendously. Maybe it is also because throughout the trip, I saw quite a lot of trees and nature, which I am quite fond of. Just not very adapted to it. >.< cause I haven't morphed into a mountain goat yet? XD
A safety reminder though. To those who drove down to Kuantan or intend to drive within there, please be very wary of speeding cars. Kuantan drivers tend to drive very fast but they are still quite decent drivers. In terms of ethics and mannerism and all those.
Kuantan, most probably I will go again. If need be.
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