Monday, August 15, 2011

My next A!!!!

Yay!! I am finally done with Associate for Piano on Friday (12th August 2011)! Now I can fully concentrate on my Associate of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA) exam, in Business Strategy and Taxation.

Anyway, back on topic, the next A that I meant refers to being an... Advisor. Do you get me???

Such an irony!!! How can a child be an advisor :P Basically, apart from being Sunway University Anime Club AniManGaki 2011 Sponsorship Advisor, I just got appointed as Sunway-Tes ICAEW/CFAB student committee advisor. What the heck? Its quite funny at the end of the day, as I didn't even attend meeting due to lack of transport.

You know what, you guys can officially start hating me here, cause I realised I just a fairly braggy tone but guess what? I think beneath all the excitement and enthusiasm, I am just really overwhelmed by everything that's happening.

In the beginning of the year, I had 14 new classmates, which I was friendly with but not close yet. And I loved them thoroughly now. Secondly, I failed an external paper for the first time but I managed to emerge stronger and more victorious. Thirdly, I knew so much people that it does not only seem uncountable, its basically like molecules. The part-timers of ICAEW, ICAEW Malaysia Student Committee, new members in SUAC, CFAB batch 5 and 6 (sorry 7, don't know you yet!!) and whoever else that I met in any functions or events. Is it not exhilirating? Finally, it is the fact that its the 2nd half of the year and the middle of the 3rd quarter of the year!!!

What the hell???!!! Did I do anything that made a mark in the few months that passes? Ok, aside for the fact that I sat for my Associate exam in Piano Performance? Nothing! Nil! Zilch!

But I guess once AniManGaki 2011 ends and I start work, I can proudly put in my resume the position that I held for the year! XD (with explanations of course!)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Associate Exams!!!!

What a whirlwind!!! I am so bogged down by piano and academic studies that I did not blog about the Kuala Selangor fireflies trip.><

But I believe for what is worth, the end, where I passed my Associate in Piano Performance (exam in 12 August!!) and complete the ICAEW Application Stage end of this year (finally) would be a damn satisfying experience. I mean, throughout my entire academic life, I had not fully understood the meaning of being a student of the books. I am a great learner of life, but a failure and idiot of books.

At least, after the hectic months of August and September, I would be having a short breather by having a trip down to Melaka for my Diploma graduation ceremony and maybe experience something I had not tried before. :P I am going to keep that as a secret for the time being. Maybe once I finished Application Stage then I shall write about it? XD

So, two down which are Audit & Assurance and Financial Accounting, 4 more to go this year. And Associate Piano, which I am under such sever stress right now. I am practising to the point I can see veins popping out! Is that normal? XD

Well, I guess that's all. Just need a place to put down my worries in words so that I don't become too extremist!