Friday, January 23, 2009


O-ta-ku. How many of you fancy this word and how many of you cringe at this word. For me, this word is one of perseverance and persistent. To us non-Japanese, no matter how Japanohile(courtesy of Eyeshield 21) you become, the word remains as one that relates to anime and manga.
But to the true Japanese or those who try to understand their culture, otaku actually means someone very obsessive with something,usually interests. Of course, the common ones are the two that I mention above and video games.
Somehow or rather, I take pride in being one. Hopefully my list of otaku-ness comprises of my current one, anime(I am the music are one part we can't deny) and manga, and also books(which I always read but never bring myself to otaku's level). I also wish to add J-drama, or in proper pronunciation J-dorama.
Anyway, back to me talking about otaku. So, all in all, I want and hope to be an otaku. That's all.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy CNY to all~~~

I know it is quite early as of today, but.....

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

I am sure many of you know that CNY falls on 26 January this year but better be by your hometown or relatives' side on 25th Jan.

One more thing, for those who remember, 29 January will be Hui Sin's birthday. So, help me wish her Happy Birthday.. particularly those in Taylors Sri Hartamas campus.

Another side note is that I will be in Hong Kong starting on the night of 24th Jan to 1st Feb(of course it will be in year 2009 for both dates). Therefore, souvenirs is subject to availability of money(I am serious this time!) and you will have top priority if your birthdays presents are need urgently.

Er.. so far, that's all.. I hope I can get decent pictures to put it up as soon as possible.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Harry Potter saga

I must remember 14th January 2009!!!!!!!! Because I finished the 7th book of this series. Finally. And I manage to make some connections between things in Harry Potter series and the normal life. Will be elaborated once I feel like it(again)

One more thing, apparently J.K.Rowling also wrote three other books related to Harry Potter which I am eye-ing(getting my hint?)

Ah, that's all for now folks.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In 2008

Well, 2008 is a year of happenings, if I may put it that way. And no, I don't mean Malaysia's political tsunami, the Beijing Olympics, its disaster or even the latest US-elected president.

What I am talking about is very much smaller in scale but nevertheless, carries a bigger meaning.

[R.I.P. zy][Fare thee well, Ping Jie][HAMSAP UNIT]

The first one is to honour Zhe Yi, a departed classmate which I am sure all, if not most, of you will remember. For him, I rather remember 7th June rather than 25th Nov.

The second one is for Ms Lim Li Ping aka Ping Jie. She is one of the most dedicated teacher I ever had the luck to met and a good teacher advisor for club too. She leaft Sri Garden to pursue a better career route.

Last but not least, perhaps even the most, is the formation of Hamsap Unit. Comprising of Malaysian and Japanese, which I am not sure will we be meeting again in the future, I am proud to be in this group although I do know there are setbacks which I had already seen which my own eyes.

Of course, there are other things but to me, these are the top three. The order is up to your discretion.

Side note, you can skip this part....
春よ、来い : I had no idea at all what does this means already but I remember it being very catchy
おたく: This is as it is. I believe I do not need to further elaborate on this because one word says it all. O-TA-KU.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First driving lesson

I am a day late for this post but who cares. Well, my first driving lesson was uneventful, for a lack of better word. Basically I learnt the gears, brake when approaching bump, accelerate if road is clear and do left turnings. I wonder if anyone ever said learning to drive is easy but my first time is definitely not quite so. The instructor even said I grip the steering wheel to much. Hands at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock position too. This requires more coordination than anything I had ever done it seems.

Oh yeah, just an additional piece of info, my practice area is actually near Sri Garden, so I should have gone to school and call the instructor to pick me up from there.. Haha..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

4th day of the New year

Well, I actually thought of putting up a post at 00.00am on 01.01.2009, sadly, connection wasn't good, so...

Happy New Year/Selamat Tahun Baru/ Xin Nian Kuai Le/ Kinga Shinnen(Japanese romanji)

and other languages that I don't know of. All in all, a new year, a new start, and a new academic life/gruelling NS life is you are (un)lucky.

That's all folks. Start a resolution if you wanted to too.