Friday, January 23, 2009


O-ta-ku. How many of you fancy this word and how many of you cringe at this word. For me, this word is one of perseverance and persistent. To us non-Japanese, no matter how Japanohile(courtesy of Eyeshield 21) you become, the word remains as one that relates to anime and manga.
But to the true Japanese or those who try to understand their culture, otaku actually means someone very obsessive with something,usually interests. Of course, the common ones are the two that I mention above and video games.
Somehow or rather, I take pride in being one. Hopefully my list of otaku-ness comprises of my current one, anime(I am the music are one part we can't deny) and manga, and also books(which I always read but never bring myself to otaku's level). I also wish to add J-drama, or in proper pronunciation J-dorama.
Anyway, back to me talking about otaku. So, all in all, I want and hope to be an otaku. That's all.

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