Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Well, I am actually referring to the recent uproar over the blog that compiles pictures of young girls and is named Sweet Young Malaysian Girls (SYMG) or something like that la. My preference is to call it loli blog so I guess I will use the two name interchangeably. Of course, being me, I am quite sure I am considered slow in expressing my views and thoughts on this. Anyhow, I just gotta let it off because I find it that the general consensus currently, that I come across, is that the owner of the blog is at fault, which is unfair.

I first came to know about loli blog from my facebook news feed, when concerned female friends start sharing the blog to their friends that were actually tagged/listed in loli blog. And I admit, I clicked on the blog, scrolled through a few pages and saw that the owner listed the sources of the pictures. To be honest, my first thought was 'Wow, the owner definitely has a lot of time to compile these pictures', rather than the whole issue of the girls are being publicised in a blog.

Now, this is my train of thoughts :

The girls most likely have put up their photos to share with friends and family and if Instagram or Twitter, followers as well. Depending on the privacy setting, I would assumed the security level to be fairly low on their side for the pictures to be easily copied and placed elsewhere. Now, ignoring morality and ethics (I know I am fairly screwed up when I considered the young girls to partially shoulder on the blame), if placed in a different perspective, isn't SYMG similar to FHM/Playboy magazine, except for the fact that they feature amateur young self-taken photos and it is in digital format rather than a physical magazine?

Another thing to consider, loads of people made some huge noise, but I don't really see an action being taken. Yeah, as of now, I guess the latest news is that the blogger/owner of the site has been exposed, so what next? Public shaming and then? Let goldfish memory take effect on Malaysians? Besides that, was there any legality issue in this whole thing? Like let's say I took your photo, which by now is a public property, for my use, can you still sue me? (Not that I recall doing such a thing as I have better things to entertain me) XD

Call me ignorant or shallow, but I am sure there are more levels to this issue than I have cared to thought of. Too bad, I am tired and I don't see why is it such a big issue. If I were to equate it, the girls loaded the gun, the owner pulled the trigger, something like that?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A chapter closed

I love books. I find them fascinating, interesting and at most times, wildly imaginative. And that's precisely why I tend to compare things, with books as a reference.

In this instance, what I could possibly mean is that.. I just closed an important chapter. Finally decided on the ending after a fairly wishy-washy plot. Maybe it is due to procrastination, or out of  politeness, or even fear of change, that I kept this chapter open for far too long than it deserves.

Over time, it did well in gaining my favour, spanning over quite a period or time, at the right moment when I was looking for this. But as the adage goes, things do change. So, I guess, it is quite the time to close this chapter.

To be exact, this chapter is about me deleting friends from facebook, pretty historic moment for me since I have not unfriend people before. I am trying to reduce the head count to 500 people, because.. I only want to keep people who mattered. Yeah, by deleting them, I am definitely eliminating the possibility of making them matter but sometimes, the future works in a funny wei and in any case, can just add again in the future, no?

Also, at the bottom line, it is my loss, not theirs, not the ones that I 'unfriend'-ed, so :)

However, fret not my friends! This book shall go on and perhaps, be thicker than your average dictionary or span more volumes than the encyclopedias!

Friday, July 19, 2013

30 plays in 60 minutes!

That's what you get in Never Eat Too Much Before Rapture which I watched on 6th July 2013, in KLPAC. Aside from the wacky sounding name, it is also chaotic, random and of course, AWESOME!

Never Eat Too Much Before Rapture(NETMBR, pronounced Net-tem-ber) is a very uniquely conceptualised theatre performance where the audience(we/us) decides the order of the plays being performed. Hence, each session is really different as the order will differ, depending on the number being shouted out by us. The really cheeky bit is the part where the onus falls on us if all 30 plays did not get performed within the 60 minutes time frame. Besides that, all 30 plays were written, produced and directed by all 9 cast members(credits roll at the bottom, as usual XD)

Now that leaves an average of 2 minutes per play, but seriously, is that enough? Oh, did I mention that 60 minutes include setting up time for each set? Yeap, so within the 60 minutes, you can imagine how many things were going on! We were shouting, actors/actress were jumping up and down getting the numbers(I was laughing hysterically during this part), scrambling for props and getting into place! Now, you get what I mean when I say chaotic and random?

Next on, about the plays themselves, 30 of them, some poignant, some comedic, some physical, some literal, all truthful and enjoyable! Pepper in lots of stage play techniques and it got me thinking that if I was given the chance or opportunity to rename the whole thing, I would call them Rojak! (Ops, going off-tangent here) Back to the plays, there were also some bit of improvisation going on as there was this particular short play "The Show Changer (Everyone's going to hate you for picking this)" that 'kills' a cast member. And his body is laid there, while the shows go on! (Remember, we are on time constrains here) What happens if there is a solo performance by him which had not been played yet? Well, the ensemble basically resurrected him using whatever they can link from the previous one.

With all that being said, actually I think the best part was the last performance, and it happened by coincidence, true and pure coincidence! By some strange power, "The Importance of Family Albums" was the finale of the session and is one of the pieces that actually struck a chord in me(side track a bit, I am actually fairly camera-shy during my formative years, and still am, I suppose, hence I don't have much photos of me from younger days). Anyway, the best part was, after the whole monologue was performed, the whole house was called for a group photo session! It was a really random one! And we still had a little bit over a minute to spare! (I guess can consider as achievement unlocked? XD)

Omg! Why did I write so much??? Meh! Basically what I want to say is, if NETMBR ever gets performed again, which it definitely should, please go watch and support them! Oh yeah, credits roll (in order of the leaflet provided) :
1. Alexis Wong
2. Jeremy Ooi
3. Grace Ng
4. Dinesh Kumar
5. Jen Yee
6. Ui Hua
7. Ho Lee Ching
8. Freddy Tan
9. Amanda Ang

PS. Tickets price can be discounted up to a maximum of RM 6, depending on the mini-games you play beforehand :P

Monday, July 1, 2013

Topic : How Arts Changes Countries

Here is the second installation on my take about Borak Arts! I am completely taking the lazy way out and skipping all the keynote addresses and speeches. So, the first session is basically highlighting the impact of arts on countries and the countries being observed in this session are Korea, Australia and Malaysia. There are some obvious similarities and differences and let's see that further.

Korea is being represented by Korea Arts Management Services (KAMS) and their take is more on whether was it the other way round, "Was it is the country that was being changed by the arts?". There were mentions of how the Korea government is carrying out a 'cultural renaissance' where they are pushing for creative change and focussing on happiness of their citizens. This has in turn led to a proper welfare system being made for artist without the government trying to threaten growth by limiting diversity. Basically, the Korea government is supportive of the arts industry and makes it sustainable without interfering the creative direction. And I can see that this is not just lip-service from the Korean government, with the Korean Wave and all happening.

Moving on next, we heard from Australia Council for the Arts (ACA) just a brief introduction, this organisation is fully funded by the government but the government does not have veto power over it which pretty much makes it an independent body. And I guess Malaysia can really make do with this because I really saw how the balance of bureaucracy and support is evident here. Besides that, ACA acts as a ground for training and developing the arts industry in Australia and they have this awesome 'artistic vibrancy tool'(a really cool measurement tool that can really help the arts, in my opinion) which I think requires some really good knowledge management system. However, I guess the highlight of the presentation by ACA is when the words were spoken, "There is no nation if there are no arts!" or something along those lines :P

Last and definitely cannot be the least, we have Malaysia, and the main focus of what is being said is something along the lines like trying to make the arts an income-generating unit of the country, hence quite a few usage of the word 'product'. I wouldn't mention which government agency it is but I do have to mention this, they are trying their best to increase the number of projects being supported, however, only if the projects have commercial viability, which to me, there is this big gap that needs to be filled. Because based on my observation, most arts practitioner or production houses are more passion-driven and while they may be financially-constraint, they rather get another job to sustain themselves. Hence, most production houses and art practitioners are quite not-for-profit, which is not very in-line with what the government is looking for.

Anyhow, after listening to all three countries, I would say it is interesting how each of them view the arts differently and it is time for the Question and Answers session between the panellists and the participants. I am a bit worn out at this point, so I am just going to briefly summarise all that transpired. There was one point that research and interaction with the artist was mentioned. There was also another one about artists measurement which talks about other stakeholders, 'world domination'(geared towards the Korean Wave), 'unfunded excellence(an exercise done by ACA) and the importance of long-term vision. Finally, there is also this point about trying to develop professionalism in traditional theatre(one of the Malaysian government's initiative).

All in all, the first session was already a mind-blowing session, and did I mention that the moderator for this session was Freda Liu, a presented and producer of BFM 89.9? Yesh, go unleash your imagination and picture the awesomeness of the whole session!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Whee~~ Let's talk about arts! (Introduction)

On  the 15th and 16th of June 2013, by the stars above me, I was lucky enough to be a participant(delegate) in the inaugural Arts Conference, which is an initiative under My Performing Arts Agency's borak arts series. Just a quick introduction of some of the phrases: 
1. Arts Conference is basically a conference geared towards improving the arts industry as a whole
2. My Performing Arts Agency is... click me! (Sorry peeps, tried my best to explain it but nay, go find out more yourself :P)
3. borak arts is a rojak by itself actually. borak is a malay word for having a very comfortable conversation (I am a bit uncouth, so pardon me, but to make an easy comparison, maybe it is like how you and your friends talk shit/crap/whatever-type of conversation as long as it makes you happy) and the arts part is easy la. Put them together and you get something awesome. Like.. rojak!

Ops, that introduction does not seem to be quick, but oh well. XD Back on track, the theme for the year is "Building Sustainability in Arts" and I guess it is really high time for the arts to be sustainable despite having so many years of history. At least a few decades already lor(not counting the traditional art forms)! To be honest, one of the reasons I attended this conference, despite having to miss so many other activities and precious family time, was because I would really want to see how the arts industry grows from now on with all the support available. I mean, as a supporter of the arts, this would be a great opportunity to see how I can contribute further to the industry as well, despite being a consumer only. XD

Then, in line with the theme, the organisers had cleverly targeted and gathered two main groups of people, creative practitioners and business leaders for this event. I think this is wonderful because it sort of balances and bridges the gap between arts as a syok-sendiri thingy and the business element of it(which is pretty much the core of the conference). Not only that, these business leaders can also potentially bankroll these creative practitioners until they found their steady footing in an industry that is so... weak, in Malaysia. Hence, the both sides can understand each other better and it is a good networking opportunity/session.

My god, and I barely even touched the programmed flow. Meh, next blog post. But before I sign off, really got to say a mountain load of thank you to EYE Project(stands for Empowering Youth Endeavours). I mean, without them, quite likely I would not be able to join the conference. Are you one of my stars? :P Just joking and thank again, you awesome lot!

Monday, May 27, 2013

2 consecutive nights

The nights I ROFL-ed loudly and heartily in the longest time imaginable. It is really some kind of wonder that the simplest things in life brings forth the greatest joy. I guess that's how our ancestors or ancient people stay happy. By being simple. Although I think in my case, technology and civilisation did help in making things happen.

On the first night, I was staying up late and being bored, I enlisted Su Wei's help to keep me entertained and what did he do? He gave me Maggie Q's picture(since it was her birthday apparently), so I shared it on FB and that was the start of some unimaginable hilarity!! In short, the conversation went from talking about Maggie Q to photoshopping to creation of assbook/asses and some really random stuffs! Full conversation is in FB but I am too lazy to print screen and censor their names for privacy reasons. I just remembered that each post/reply drove me to fits of laughter.
After that, I really gave up on setting expectations on what is to come for the summer! XD

The second night, with a separate group of friends, from college actually, again laughter were all over the place. What we did was we went to a mamak(name is William's, if I am not wrong) and then a trip to Wall Street Bar. Only three of us, so there are three drinks, Kilkenny beer, Long Island Iced Tea and Boston Tea Party. To be honest, I completely underestimated Boston Tea Party because it tasted a bit bland at first but it is enough to make me lower my mental guard and drive me to happiness. Glad I didn't become wasted though. Also, I mentioned mental guard cause I told them stuff that I usually wouldn't and the one thing I told them became the topic for quite a while. >.< Disgrace, disgrace.

Anyway, for both nights, I learnt something much more valuable then just random conversations and drinks. I am reminded the power of friends and to be honest, while I may be able to survive without you guys, but I guess life would be quite boring.
Maroon 5's song, "One More Night" completely got defeated by the two nights I had! Arigatou guys!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Skyfall! Skyfell! Skyfallen!

Unexpectedly, I went to watch Skyfall today and I cannot really decide if I want to call it good or mediocre. Bad is out of the question because there are aspects of the movie which I did appreciate, and no points that I can complain about.

The cinematography and artistic sense was pretty well done. I mean, it was pretty easy to follow the flow of Skyfall. I did not have to wonder what is happening, so yeah, pretty engaging to me. In terms of the artistic sense, I am focusing solely on the opening clip that they made. Hauntingly beautiful.

However, it didn't feel like a proper James Bond movie. I don't know, perhaps it lacks the suaveness of a 007? It didn't seem like the sleekness was present either. Even the tagline, "Bond, James Bond.' didn't convey the aura it was supposed to. ><

In short, it is good as a movie but not really, as a Bond's movie. Yeap, that's my conclusion. Rewatch value... most probably not either.

Ye Zi Kai Tong!!!

Pardon the Cantonese pronunciation, actually it is 椰子雞湯(written in traditional chinese). Whether this is the actual name or not, I don't know but at least, that's how my colleague said it and that's how I shall call it too. Located in Pudu, by the corner of a T-junction, it is pretty obscure but I think the old-timers of Pudu would definitely know it!

So, the breakdown of the name:
Ye Zi refers to coconut, Kai means chicken and Tong is soup, hence the proper English soup would be... Coconut Chicken Soup (CCS?) XD

Ignoring the name, this is, in fact, one of the thickest/strongest herbal chicken soup I had in ages! And since it is being boiled in the coconut, there is just that slight hint of the coconut sweetness in the soup! And for you meat-eaters, the amount of chicken meat in this is just.... a lot! There is just no other way to quantify it.

So, just get a plate of rice and order this, satisfaction guaranteed! And guess what, it is pretty worth it for the price, since it is just below RM 10.

Caution : It is served piping hot! So do remember to blow a little to cool it down first ya!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Online radios FTW!!!

Nothing beats listening to radio while working. For real. And I have been streaming them online, since my makeshift-radio(from a mp3 player-cum-voice recorder) died on me >< Also, it is pretty impractical to be Youtubing music videos at work since they pretty much suck up the bandwith and stuffs. Anyway, I have about two favourites for the time being. These stations are a great help while I am slowly dying at work XD At least they keep me sane and alive as my workplace is usually silent. Like... pin-drop silence? See the POWER of radio now???

So, on with the first one, I have been listening to r/a/dio ever since one of my secondary classmates introduced it to me and boy, don't I just love it lots. For one, the DJ doesn't do any talking, means it is fully music. The music are fully /jp/(japanese) related and most of the time /a/(anime). Although there are some rare moments where random unknown songs goes on air, it is usually because the streamer went down or something like that. Nevertheless, the music is very diverse and has a pretty good mix. The best part? You can request tracks or even, submit track (pretty strict requirements though). All in all, go forth and enjoy!!!

The next one is a local Malaysia radio station, It is still in beta stage I guess, judging from the full link. However, it does not break at all, unless your connection is sucky :P As with all normal radio stations, this one has DJs talking, interacting and keeping you entertained! One of my favourite radio DJ, Zak also joined!!! Who is also a stand-up comedian. I have always listened to him in the morning back in, when he was paired up with Sara, so being able to hear him again was just so fun! :D

There you go. One to satisfy my /jp/ cravings and another to keep myself abreast with current hits. Hope this helps your workday too!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A big bother

Trolololol! Starting the new year with a fairly thought-provoking post. Must I really go down this path? I can choose not to but it will feel unresolved. XD

Anyway, here goes: Being a literature student, I was thought and trained that everything is a matter of opinion, sometimes backed by your train of thoughts or upbringing/culture. Nothing is definitely right or wrong, only your thoughts made it so.

Within my first hour of new year, I already experience an emotional dilemma. I wanted to blame someone or anyone for something I encountered. However, upon reflection, perhaps I was the one at fault. For being a menace, being a big pest or a bother. Maybe if I was more useful, and wiser, I would have been strong enough to say a resolute NO, rather than always expecting others to be there for me.

Maybe this is retribution for being useless and expecting. Perhaps my new year resolution should start with : being a hermit.