Monday, December 15, 2008

The night of the dances

Well, this post suppose to materialized on 12.12.2008. Too bad that I am a serious procrastinator.

Ok, actually 12.12.2008 was prom night for Sri Garden School. Yours truly here instead spent the day going back to Ipoh and enjoyed it. Therefore, I really couldn't even stop by at Prince Hotel just to be a 'kay poh chee' and to see how my classmates had dress up/down(you know, some folks might just love to bare their skins) for the occasion. For that, my classmates/nakama/tomodachi, I sincerely and humbly apologize. So, did you all dance on that night?

On the other hand, the feedbacks that I get from my peers is quite a relief. There is a good balance of positive and negative feedback. Somehow or rather, it reminds me of the way things work in this universe. I bet the pictures, which will paint thousands and thousands of words will be able to tell me better. And I am waiting for it, you folks!

Finally, lets tackle the matter at hand, prom. I had been thinking, what is prom?? From my title, I said the night of dances but did you all really dance? From others, my understanding is that prom is like a huge gathering and to see each other in another viewpoint. Some even told me that it is like the final high school/secondary memory.

Another thing, what is the PURPOSE of prom? Why do you all go to prom? I know it is meaningful but let's be realistic, after seeing just each other in few weeks ago, is such a large-scale gathering that meaningful? I really don't know anymore...

Answer my queries, anyone?


  1. prom was ok
    but not dat good either, i could say was in a mess, arrangement was not good and food was bad. The chit chatting part and photo shooting among friends was the best. We did not dance during prom, maybe is because many people from 5sc1 felt awkward about it. I was looking forward for many other stuff in prom, turn out to be not what i have expected. Basically prom was just a gathering among friends, i am looking forward to the 5sc1 reunion and farewells for hao bin and yau mun. Sorry for not being able to see you during the end of prom, my parents came and i got to go, see ya in hao bin's house tonight


  2. prom was ok la. the lousy food and performances and games were balanced out by the nice atmosphere of friendliness among peers and presences of friends. I went to prom for meeting my fellow buddies and looking at girl's punya prom dresses.

    I din know u had a blog either =.=

    Haow Bin

  3. This blog is new. Just started. and i don't find the need to advertise it.

    Thanks for the info about prom though.
