Friday, June 15, 2012


*wakes up in the morning, checks phone, goes to twitter, reads disheartening tweets

The tweets concern about Malaysia's music scene, a lot. It is actually the demise of Alda Evan Tan, a person I never met, never knew nor spoke to, but for sure, he inspired massive of people to stay true to their dreams, especially when it comes to music.
I personally never had the chance to had an interaction with him but from people who knew him, I realised I actually learnt so much already.

The biggest thing I know of him is how he inspired a lot of newbies in the music scene to forge ahead! In the Prayer for Alda Evan Tan fund-raising event on 13.5.2012, I watched the performances in The Bee, Publika and there were countless times, just too many to keep tab, of moments where the performers will share what they learnt and advices from him, especially about persevering and believing what you are doing. I would be really ignorant if I didn't learn this despite the repeats.

The next huge piece is actually about the life. Hence, the title. His presence and encouragement was so impactful that people loved him dearly. Family and friends wanted to keep him alive. Reasons could be endless or, just plain simple. I will never know. Just that, I realised how much more life is actually magical, wondrous and hopeful. Yet, I can't help but feel cynical about the fragility of life. Is fragility(read:death) the price to pay for the miracle moments in life? Where one blow on the candle, completely  closes the insightful book of a person? I also couldn't help but ponder, over and over again, why does people lost sight of what is actually important in life? Are we so blinded by information, immuned by death stories or even, hardened by civilisation?

Just two thoughts. Nothing more. And to think that the unfortunate demise had to happen on my exam day. Life is really....something, ain't she?

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